Saturday 12 June 2010

Average Male Colon length

The Sun measured top Public Sector workers in nurses last week. One guy was paid 22 nurses a year!

No one measures anything in average male colons (AMCs), I've noticed. There are 6 feet in an AMC and over 31 AMCs fit in the Albert Hall lengthwise.

There's something pleasing about imagining your body-parts splayed out when pondering length. It worked for feet.



  1. Hey, what about this for a band name: Run AMC.

  2. They say that the length of the penis is the same as the distance between your thumb and fore finger. What does it mean to me - who at the age of 15 had to have my hands amputated? It means I'm still awesome at typing.

  3. Your penis transcends space and time, clearly.
